Aren't these pictures amazing? A couple of Russian artists came up with this project called "Private Moon".
Read more about it here and see more pictures here.
A friend of mine told me about LF Stores today. I love that so many amazing boutiques are popping up seems like I find a new one every week. The styling and photography in LF Stores lookbook is so lovely and dreamy. I'll take one of everything please, especially those Jeffrey Campbell shoes.
If you don't have time to shower and you need a quick hair pick-me-up, here is a great recipe I use. The sea salt adds texture and volume while leaving a matte finish..which is good when your hair is oily. (Tip: Don't use it daily as it can be drying to your hair.)
Sea Salt Hair Mist:
8 oz. warm water
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. conditioner
Fill a spray bottle with the above ingredients and shake well until the conditioner and salt is completely dissolved. Spray onto dry hair until dampened throughout. Scrunch hair. Voila...beachy hair.
I had a couple hours to myself yesterday afternoon and I ended up watching So I Married an Axe Murderer. I laughed so hard through most of it and almost fell off the couch at one point. Harriet's loft apartment in this movie is amazing! I loved all the 90's wonderfulness of it. I took some sorta blurry photos while I watched, but they really don't do it justice. I now have a huge Mike Myer's crush...he's adorable!
Favorite Quotes of the movie:
Stuart Mackenzie: Alright, give your mother a kiss, or I'll kick your teeth in.
Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
I will often sit and stare at all the blank walls in my house (not so often that its weird or anything), and think, "what should I put there?". I would say artwork, pillows and knick knacks are what make a house feel cozy to me. The furniture I can always get just right, but sometimes I just can't commit when it comes to artwork. I came across these Polish and European movie posters awhile back. I fell in love with the blue Woody Allen poster and now have it in my dining room (love it!). Now I've become a little obsessed with these brightly colored, beautifully illustrated posters. They bring so much color and fun to a much better than American movie posters, don't you think?
I'm planning a couple of upcoming trips, but am pretty low on the moolah, so I was happy when I came across the online store Threadsence a few days ago. You can't go wrong with pretty clothes at affordable prices. Here are a few of my favorites:
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.